
The Publishing Goblin's Oracle Dice

Created by Publishing Goblin, LLC

Pre-Orders now closed.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

The 22nd Lord and Die Vote
almost 2 years ago – Sat, Jul 23, 2022 at 01:00:10 PM

Okay y'all.

Here we are. We are voting on the Chaos Die right now. The Lord has lots of options, but it's mostly just names, so understand the interpretation of that name is a step I'll work with czarfunkle to determine, trying to take into account as many people's thoughts as I can with the design from the comments!

You get 1 vote on the name. Make it count!

Die Face Vote

For the die faces, we have many very fun options. You can pick as many as you like, so please start at the top, and click every one you like until you get to the bottom, then submit. I will be picking the top 6 (or more... more on that later) voted faces to go on the die. If one or more of the top choices are very similar, I may choose the more popular one and skip to another highly voted face to make sure each face does something unique.

I will give this until Monday, then I will come back with the results!

Thanks for taking part everyone, this has been so much fun-- please share the pre-order store with friends and family who might have missed the campaign so we can get a bit closer to the extra community copies and funds.

We've already broken $225, and I think we'll break $250 shortly!
And about 700 of you havent filled out your surveys yet to grab add-ons and input your address, so be sure to do that soon!

Thanks everyone!

Talk again real soon,


The 22nd Lord & Die | Help me decide the 22nd die!
almost 2 years ago – Thu, Jul 21, 2022 at 10:45:21 AM

Hello everyone!

Before I go too far with the 22nd Lord and all that, let's take a look at one of the final Lords coming in from czarfunkle!

There are just a few Lords you haven't seen-- The Alleyman, The Showman, and.... They Who Hunger.

They Who Hunger preside over the Longings Die, and they know longing intimately. Desire for touch, to be seen, for change, for movement, for anything out of reach. When you wish to know what is missing, what people desire in a reading, you include their die. And when their card comes up? Someone is starved-- but for what? That is the key question, isn't it?

I pushed czarfunkle to the edge with all the hands, but so it goes! I love hands in art, and artists hate to illustrate so many hands! 

The 22nd Lord & Die

So now, what I'm here to ask! Over this week we've seen money come in on the project, but about 2/3rds of backers on here have done their surveys and about 1/3rd of those people included extra add-ons. Considering this in total with how much we have to go in order to hit $300,000, I think we're likely to get about 260,000 before it peters out and we end at most. That's not going to be our 300,000, huh?

But that's okay! I'm including the 22nd die anyways, and we're picking some of the key parts of it together right here, right now.

The 22nd die is the Chaos Die.

In the comments below, I'd like to see your suggestions for two elements of the die! Then I will read these tonight and tomorrow, and on Saturday I will post a poll (or two polls if I can?) for us to vote to the final answers!

Question 1: Who is the Lord of the Chaos Die?
I've had people suggest the darned Happy Squirrel, and I think it could be fun to have a wild chaotic entity made up of parts of various things, or some eldritch horror. But I'm open to anyone's thoughts on who should be the lord of Chaos! In your answers, please feel free to name them with a title (like the other Lords-- instead of Loki for example, The Trickster would work), and explain who they are/how they look! I will take an assortment of these answers from you all to the poll Saturday.

Question 2: What are the die faces of the Chaos Die?
The Fate die of the original set is what I'm thinking about. With faces that make you remove the nearest die, and consider the implications of it missing-- faces that make you re-roll some dice-- faces that make you move the nearest die to the core of the reading-- etc. All in all, it makes changes to the reading, moves dice, and changes meanings. I'd consider a die face that makes you consider the nearest die in its opposite meaning-- or maybe if it's in the core it does that to everything! So many chaotic options. I'd love to see all your ideas. In your answers, I am looking for any number (1-infinity) of die face options. On Saturday, I will do a Google Form poll with the top 15 or so options, so that you can pick multiple when you vote in the end!

Thanks all!


Surveys, Add-Ons, and Pre-Orders
almost 2 years ago – Mon, Jul 18, 2022 at 04:45:37 PM

The Lords

Czarfunkle is still wrapping up the final Lords, which is almost a complete set! Check out the Stitch Queen, Martyr of Wounds, and Bearer of Boons from the new dice here! We have just a few left-- The Showman, some slight edits to the Alleyman, and They Who Hunger. Then, whoever the 22nd Lord is! : )

Surveys and Add-Ons

I'm so sorry everyone, I thought I'd have things in place Friday, but I had some waiting to do as Backerkit checked over the project to make sure things were all good to go. As of right now, the first 5% of surveys have been sent out.

While you are filling out your survey, you will be taken to the add-on store, where you can grab items to fill out your cart. Please note that the items you pledged for in your pledge tier are already in your cart, so you don't have to add those. However, if you tried to add an extra $10 for the Lord's Oracle, it's now a credit ready to be assigned to the Lord's Oracle.

Once the first 5% of surveys have gone through without issue, the remaining 95% will be sent!

What Do I Add?

Anything that was an 'add-on' on this project is now directly available to go in your cart in your survey. You wanted the YES/NO Goblin Coin? Or a second or third set of dice, an extra book, an extra reading cloth, a plastic set of dice to go with your stone, or a stone set to go with your plastic? Either or both of the Oracle Decks? Now, you add those to your cart. You are finally directly including the exact items you want to your order.

Keep in mind you'll have a few weeks to pick what you want and around August I will be locking orders in place.

(If you pledged in the first 24 hours, your free Lord's Oracle is already added to your order. You don't need to add it!)


Please remember that from the start, we have been planning to wait on charging shipping. So your shipping address can change as much as you want until we lock addresses to ship, likely in late October/early November. It will be shortly before that time that we finally charge shipping costs.


If you supported this Backerkit project, you'll be adding items to your order through the surveys, mentioned above. These will be emailed to you directly, so please keep your eye there for those. If you are not a person who made it in on this campaign though, you (and everyone else) can now purchase pre-orders from the pre-order store, linked below.

Again, this link is NOT for people who backed during the life of the project. You will get a survey sent to you by email that you will be able to go through to add items. If you use the link above and make a Pre-Order, it will not combine with your original order, and you WILL be charged shipping twice in the end.

Pre-Orders and added items from the surveys will add to our overall total for stretch goals! So let's get some more of these goals unlocked.

Thanks so much for being amazing, we're entering the final run to get things in manufacturer's hands! Talk again very very soon,


And we're done!! | What Happens Next?
almost 2 years ago – Thu, Jul 14, 2022 at 12:03:43 PM

We did it!!

$213,914 in funds!
3,321 backers!

For all my projects, I've always had a slowly growing trajectory.

449 backers on the original Normal Tarot campaign.
658 backers on the original Oracle Dice campaign.
1,674 backers on the Normal Tarot Silver and Gold campaign.
(19,275 on the Alleyman's)
and now 3,321 on this campaign.  The funds do something very similar!

The Alleyman's Tarot was a huge outlier, clearly, but my more typical projects have always had a lovely upward trajectory, and that's amazing. Thank you for joining me on this journey. I literally and matter of factly could not have done any of this without all of you, and I can't wait to show you all what I have planned for the Year of the Goblin next year. 

Pledge Manager Tomorrow

But first, we have to wrap this up and get dice in all of your amazing hands. For now though, sit pretty. Tomorrow, we'll make the move over to the pledge manager portion of this journey, where you'll all be able to grab up all the add-ons your hearts desire to add to your order. Please hang tight until I post a new update announcing the move to the pledge manager. 

Stretch Goals, Prints, and the Reading Journals!

During those two weeks, any add-ons people throw on, or pre-orders we get in, will count towards our stretch goals. Because of this, I am very confident we will unlock the reading journal and the rest of the art prints. Knowing that those items will also help bring money in themselves to reach those goals, I am unlocking those items now to go in the pledge manager! This means the Reading Journal is now officially 'unlocked', and the art print set will indeed feature all 22 Lords!

22 Lords?

You heard me right! There will be 22 dice, one way or another. If we're heading to the 300,000 goal once add-ons and pre-orders open, we will still design the final die as a community. But if we don't hit that goal, no sweat. I replaced the Fate die from the original edition in this set-- now it belongs to the Gambler and it's a proper die with themes and symbolism. But the original Fate Die, which used to do things like shift dice around, remove dice from readings, or force re-rolls, will return as the Chaos Die if we don't hit the last stretch goal, with a few small tweaks. There will be 22 dice no matter what!

Fulfillment Timeline

Looks to me like we're at the 200,000 timeline, so we are intending to ship in or by November. It takes 2 weeks to get funds on Kickstarter, so I'm assuming I have those two weeks to finish up final print files for manufacturers. Start of August, production begins, and lasts a good month to a month and a half. Mid September items are gathered with the fulfillment partner, packaged up, and by mid November items should be in some people's hands or at the very least, on the way before the end of the month.

This is a much smaller campaign so far with far fewer items and backers than the Alleymans Tarot. I see no reason we should have much in the way of delays due to amount being manufactured or anything like that. But as always, I'll keep you all posted as things change.

Talk again very soon! And congrats to us!


The Cover, The Coin, and the Last 24 Hours
almost 2 years ago – Wed, Jul 13, 2022 at 02:10:57 PM

Hello lovely people!

The live readings yesterday were so fun, and I appreciate everyone who came!
If you missed out, you can see the two, 2-hour live reading sessions over on our instagram above. I've been told I have a soothing voice, so maybe I'll be fun to play in the background of your work day.

Czarfunkle has delivered on a lovely cover, and the back cover is just waiting for me to fill it out with my blurb! As you can see, we fit 9 of the lords on the front/back covers and I think they all look quite fun. Czarfunkle is still working to wrap up the remaining Lords, but it won't be long before I can share those, too! (The dice faces are all updated, but I'm saving sharing those for my last surprise, I think.)

Add Ons

Also, we unlocked the coin when we broke $200,000! It is now a $3 add-on. It will be in an antique copper, and will be better balanced for flipping than the Alleyman's coin was. I also want to reiterate that I'm going to count the first week or two of the pledge manager after the campaign is over for our stretch goals. That means as people finally add their add-ons to their orders, we could see a nice little spike to get us closer to the reading journal.

Final 24 Hours

In these final hours before we end (and make our way to the pledge manager for everyone to claim add-ons), I highly recomend and request that as many of you as are comfortable please share the campaign with your friends and family. Every cent that comes into this campaign is massively appreciated, it helps get us closer to the last extras I really wanted to include, and it helps your local Publishing Goblin make ends meet. : )

Thank you for making this such a great success, and I can't wait to have the full new set of dice in our hands. It's going to be amazing! (I'll be unreachable this weekend as my brother is visiting from out of town, but I will be back at things Monday!)